Local Businesses
Area Businesses: Welcome to our Renville Area Business directory. We have a wide range of businesses in our community to assist you with your local needs from shopping, to medical, to manufacturing, to employment opportunities, and educational for K-12 programming. We truly are a well-rounded community who wishes to serve your family's needs or your business needs whether you work, live, or play here!
212 Driving School - 320-329-3949
212 Hub Nutrition - 320-579-2012
A to Z Insurance - 320-329-3313
A+ Insurance - 320-329-3267
Adam Zaske Rentals - 320-329-3313
AEI - 320-329-4340
Antique Junction - 320-894-0621
Back To My Roots Hair Salon - 320-329-3115
Casey's General Store - 320-329-3170
Circle Back Secondhand - 320-329-8202
Community Electric - 320-329-8317
Darin's Shade Tree Garage & Rentals - 320-444-3664
Dave's Place - 320-329-8145
Dirks-Blem Funeral Services - 320-329-3555
Discher & Associates Life Center - 320-329-4357
Dollar General - 320-329-3126
F&M Bank - 320-329-8301
Farmer's Co-op Oil - 320-329-8351
Farmward Cooperative - 320-329-8377
First Security Bank - 320-329-8373
Fitzner Real Estate - 320-329-8889
Greater Community Credit Union - 320-329-3152
Hinderk's Chiropractic - 320-329-8185
K&M Manufacturing - 320-329-3301
Larkin Tree & Landscaping - 320-329-3855
Licklider Enterprises - 320-329-3505
Magnolia Market & Floral - 320-329-3666
Main Street Bar & Grill - 320-329-3290
Marcus Well Drilling - 320-329-3319
Maynard's Grocery Store - 320-329-8384
Mulder Air, Inc. - 320-905-5044
Napa Automotive - 320-329-3300
Novotny Electrical Services LLC - 320-894-5114
Olivia Hospital & Clinic - 800-916-1836
Pioneerland Library - 320-329-8193
R&R Diesel - 507-925-3117
RCW Public School - 320-329-8368
Renville C-Store - 320-329-3209
Renville Health Service - 320-329-8381
Renville Pool - 320-329-3938
Renville Post Office - 320-329-2004
Renville Sales Pavilion - 320-329-3469
Renville Trailer Sales - 320-329-3469
Riverside Flooring - 507-641-5615
SMBSC - Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative - 320-329-8305
Steve's Heating and AC - 320-329-3663
Stoney Creek Golf Course - 320-779-4653
Sullivan's Electric - 320-329-3830
Transystems - 320-329-3400
United Mills - 320-329-3141
Viessman Trucking - 320-329-3484
Wertish Auto & Truck - 320-329-4344
Xcel Energy - 612-750-8557
Please call Renville City Hall with any changes or additions 320-329-8366.