New to our city, then perhaps you might find the information below very helpful.

General Housing

Bryant Avenue Apartments                     320-564-3351

Hinderks Properties Apt.                        320-329-3859

Renville Holdings, LLC Apartments       320-321-2057


Senior Housing

East Ridge Court                                   320-329-3901 

Social Security Office 



Water/Sewer      City of Renville         320-329-8366

Electric               Xcel Energy              800-895-4999

Gas                    Great Plains              877-267-4764

Telephone &      CenturyLink               855-234-1903
Internet              Midcontinent              800-888-1300


Cable                 Midcontinent               800-888-1300                            


Refuse         WestCentral Sanitation       800-246-7630

Internet            Arvig Enterprises, Inc.   888-221-0550  

                        Frontier                        855-668-5959

                        MVTV Wireless            320-564-4807

                        Centurylink                   800-201-4099

                        HughesNet                    877-643-0061 

                        Frontier                        888-658-7894 

                        Lightbeam                    320-523-6363

                        Midcontinent                800-888-1300


Recycling        West Central Sanitation     800-246-7630

Payments for Water/Sewer, Gas, Telephone and Cable may be placed in the drop boxes at the rear of the Community Center.  Water/Sewer may also be placed in the suggestion box located beside the city office entrance or brought in person to the city office.  Water payment boxes are checked daily Monday-Friday.

Water/Sewer Bills:  The meters are read around the 15th of each month.  Bills go out in the mail on the 1st business day of each month and must be paid on or before the 15th of the month to avoid a penalty.

Sump Pumps:  All sump pumps must drain to the outside of the house and not down the sanitary sewer.

New Water/Sewer Lines:  Please contact the city office for information.

Garbage:  Tuesday is garbage pick up day.  If your garbage has been placed at the curb but forgotten, please call West Central Sanitation at the number listed above.

Recycling:  Every other Tuesday recycling items will be picked up in the City of Renville.  If you are in doubt as to which Tuesday, call the West Central Sanitation at the number above. 

Zoning Permits:  A Zoning permit is required for most types of improvements to your home.  Please call the city office for specific information. 320-329-8366

Leaves/Branch Pick-up: Each Tuesday, time permitting, city personnel will pick up bagged leaves and bundled branches that have been placed at curbside.  Leaves are not to be raked into the street and there is no burning within the city limits.

Brush Site: The site is located on the west edge of the city and is open to the public from April 16th through November 16th on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm to dispose of leaves, branches, etc.   NO GARBAGE IS ALLOWED.

Items for Landfill: There is a list at the city office of landfill charges.  Please call for information.

City Hall hours M-F  8am-4pm    221 N. Main St.







 Purchase at City Hall


The City of Renville requires by ordinance, that all dogs and cats within the city limits be licensed.  Licensing fee is $8 for annual or $30 for lifetime and tags may be purchased at the city office.  More than three (3) pets will require you to purchase a kennel license annually for $100.


All Pets kept within the City are required to have a  license.


All dogs and cats are to be tied up ALLYEAR and MUST NOT be permitted to run at large.  Failure to comply can result in impounding the animal and fining its owner for violation of the city ordinance.  Residents that have more than 3 animals (dogs and cats combined) need to purchase a kennel license.  Immediate action will be taken to enforce this city law.  Please review our City Animal Ordinances.


Need more information?  Feel free to contact the Utility Billing Clerk.